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How Blue Sunday Began

Use What We Thought Would Kill Us

We were asked to tell how and why we began Blue Sunday for Outreach Magazine.  Here is the story of how we used what we thought would kill us!


Churches Lead the Charge in the Fight Against Child Abuse

This title sounds like we are going to hold a demonstration, a rally, or a march, but what we are asking for is much more powerful.  We are asking churches to take a moment in their Sunday Service on April 28th to pray for the millions of abused children in our country.  We want your church to participate in the 30th Annual Blue Sunday Day of Prayer for Abused Children. It’s free, nothing to join, just prayers for the victims of child abuse and for those who rescue them.


My name is Janet Magee, co-founder of Blue Sunday. I remember the day our Blue Sunday journey began. I was serving as the children’s director at our church when I learned my daughter’s battle with addictions had returned.  Despite years of rehabs, counselling and a million chances – once again her addictions spiraled, crushing us all.

That day God spoke to my heart – rescue who wants rescued. My daughter had not asked to be rescued, but her young children had. I wiped my tears and made the call to the state child welfare department which led to repeated home visits, interviews, and trips to what is called Family Court.

It was at Family Court while waiting for our turn with the judge when we saw 8 children enter the room. They were excited to see their siblings.  They were holding hands, passing a baby back and forth, and chasing after the younger ones who kept trying to run around the room.  They were a glimmer of joy in that dreary courtroom.  It turned out they lived in separate foster homes and had not seen each other in 3 months.  It was a sweet reunion and, adding to their excitement, they were going to see their mother for the first time in as many months.  

All was well until it became apparent to everyone that their mother was not coming.  No one came, not even a grandparent. I’ve never heard so many hearts break at one time in my life and I pray I never do again.  Watching them as they left the courtroom was a gut-wrenching site for everyone, the judge, the clerk, the child welfare staff, myself, and my husband who tearfully leaned over and said, “We can do something about that.”

That day abused children became our new mission field.  We committed ourselves to them with the same care and drive that we had given the many children who walked through our church doors.


Our invitation today is to join us in praying for the millions (3.6 million new cases annually) of abused children in our country. Should your church decide to “put feet to their prayers” here are 3 areas of service to consider in making abused children your mission field:


  1. AWARENESS:   


  1.  Please pray on Blue Sunday, April 28th. Just take a moment out of your service to pray they are rescued. Pray they are placed with good people. Pray they can heal. Pray they find faith. Please pray for those who rescue them.  On Blue Sunday consider inviting a prevention agency to set up a table in your foyer so your church can meet people who are impacting children’s lives. We highly recommend CASA ( or Children’s Advocacy Centers (  Please visit our website for free videos, handouts, and ideas to support children in your church and your city.


  1. Lead the charge and champion the cause by asking other churches to pray on Blue Sunday. There is a sample press release you may use on our website. You may include your church name and location before sharing it.


  1.  Show your church takes child safety seriously.  Train your staff using the free Blue Ribbon Church materials that can be found at It is a free training service for churches who are committed to making their church, their children, and their communities safer.



  1.  RELIEF:


  1. CarePortal ( this ministry connects churches with the needs of abused children by working alongside child welfare agencies. After you register online you will receive an email when there is a need in your area. You get to take items such as groceries, playpen, diapers, or school clothes to the family and pray for them and of course invite them to church. CarePortal is simple to use and gives your church an instant ministry! 


  1. Your church can host events for foster children. This requires contacting your local child welfare agency or private nonprofits. Christmas parties, Easter, Back to School events, and don’t forget Vacation Bible School. One of our first projects we hosted was Blue Zoo Day where foster children spend time with siblings to bond and make happier memories, inspired by the 8 broken hearts we’d met in family court.


  1. PREVENTION: Two powerful faith-based programs to help end the cycle of abuse: 


A. Addictions: Most child removals are drug or alcohol related. When people are looking for a drug treatment program, we always recommend Celebrate Recovery ( It is a successful program that helps people overcome their addictions.

B. ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES (ACE): Adult survivors of child abuse are more likely to repeat the abuse with their own families.  AceOvercomers ( helps people overcome the negative effects of childhood trauma and household dysfunction. Author, Dave Lockridge marries the ACE study with the Word of God, and it has been a blessing to thousands of people both here and abroad.


Churches are the perfect partners in this fight.  We bring faith, encouragement, and resources into the most heartbreaking mission of all…abused children.


An abandoned, abused, or neglected child is about as “least” as you can get.  They have lost everything – their parents, their brothers and sister, school friends, even their pets. They typically are removed with the clothes on their backs, or a few things thrown in a trash bag.

Whatever you do for the least of these it is as though you have done unto me. Matt. 25:40

Do it for them.

Do it for yourself.

Do it as unto the Lord.



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